currently artwork in progress…

human hair sweater

There are hundreds of thousands of hairs on your head, and each one is at a different stage of its life, ranging from two to five years. Hair grows and dies in stages, and diet, stress, hygiene and daily styling all affect the quality of your hair on a daily basis. It is the longest non-degradable human tissue after death.

I am currently making a sweater of human hair.

The theme of this project is survival, memory and sustainability. I am using human hair as the longest lasting matter after death, preserving memory, information and genetic code. I use hair to create art objects that speak to the fundamental themes of human existence, ecology, being, as well as domesticity. I take the objects I create both seriously and ironically, and there is no doubt that they encode a wide spectrum of perception and analysis of the work of art. 




- Carpet of Contemporary Humanity