„The Baltic Sea: A Liquid Memorial“ – workshop

Workshop leaders
Horst Hoheisel and Andreas Knitz 

Almost every native inhabitant of the Curonian Spit was uprooted and turned into a migrant during and after the Second World War. Their places were quickly taken by newcomers. The leaders of The Baltic Sea: A Liquid Memorial take this episode as a historical example of radical change and new co-existence. Even today on the Curonian Spit one can see an obvious manifestation of spatial, political, economic and cultural fragmentation – there is this short border next to Nida, which separates Lithuania or EU and Russia and divides the Curonian Spit into two halves. Continued to read: https://nidacolony.lt/en/projects/4cs-2017-2021/the-baltic-sea-a-liquid-memorial

Idea by Solveiga Gutaute